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JWG Association of Evolutionary Astrologers
Forum Posts
Jun 29, 2024
In Evolutionary Astrology Q&A
Okay so i am trying to understand the Pluto polarity point and north node at the moment and how it plays out in an individuals life. Jeffrey gave the example of Pluto in 9th house, south node in 7th and how this created a dependance on external teachers in previous lives. And with polarity in the 3rd and north node in the 1st house, this individual will question teachers and find their own inner well of knowledge and answer their own questions, forming their own voice. So, with this in mind, i want to use my own chart for the sake of better understanding. I have pluto in 10th, south node in 11th, polarity point in 4th, north node in 5th. I am going to assume this creates the following dynamic but i really am not sure....A transition from dependance/actualising desires of the 10th house (public image, reputation and career) via social groups, organisations and connections (11th) to understanding the self through 4th house (emotions, self image not based on outer achievement or social standing, emotional body, sense of security ect...) and actualising it through 5th house north node (creative self expression, following own desires ect...)
Does that make sense?
Jun 27, 2024
In Evolutionary Astrology Q&A
Planetary ruler of north node shows how the evolving ego is actualised by house and sign of planetary ruler.
So, example once again from my chart, north node cancer, planetary ruler moon, moon in 2nd house aries.
Second house is inner resources that allow for self reliance. Aries correlates to natural instincts? So, is the evolving ego in this case actualised through self reliance, independence, self resourcefulness? perhaps learning to be self reliant and generate own resources and values without reliance on other peoples work, money or resources?
Jun 27, 2024
In Evolutionary Astrology Q&A
What does it mean to have your natal moon square north node?
North node cancer 5th house, moon aries 2nd house.
Jeffrey says it is missed steps. but how do you discover what missed steps they are?
Jun 26, 2024
In Evolutionary Astrology Q&A
When looking at the natal Pluto and polarity point and considering what the person was identifying with in past lives do we combine the house and sign. For example...Pluto 10th house Sagittarius. There are videos on what it means to have pluto in tenth house or pluto in 9th house but they talk about the signs associated with the house and for some people its not as if they have pluto tenth house capricorn. or pluto fourth house cancer would we combine the two together...aspects of the house and the sign and that generates conditions of the past life?
Jun 16, 2024
In Evolutionary Astrology Q&A
Hey guys. Which is best for reading charts, placidus or whole sign houses? I have always used whole sign but then i thought "oh crap, what if thats less accurate" Sometimes the house of a planet changes when you put it in whole sign or put it back in placidus. Therefore the interpretation of the chart can change. Regarding EA astrology specifically is there one that is best?
Jun 10, 2024
In Evolutionary Astrology Q&A
Would you say that an individual with natal Pluto in 10th house Sagittarius has spent previous incarnations as somebody who was influential and perhaps made a career and image from their belief systems and philosophies? Perhaps in some field of spiritual or religious work? Identifying themselves with a faith of some sort? Pluto polarity point being Gemini and 4th house.
Jun 04, 2024
In Evolutionary Astrology Q&A
I just want to confirm i am calculating the phases correctly as i am a bit confused with them still.
VENUS/MARS: i counted counterclockwise from Venus to mars and got 68 degrees. Is this then the sextile phase?
May 13, 2024
In Evolutionary Astrology Q&A
Libra sun 8th house
Aries moon 2nd house
Regarding self actualisation, personal identity (moon) and purpose (sun) and how its done, what would you say for these placements?
176 degrees between sun and moon therefore the phase is what? and how does this reveal how its done?
May 01, 2024
In Evolutionary Astrology Q&A
EX: Cancer in 9th house, sense of self through religion or philosophy.
My chart observation: Cancer in 5th house = Creative expression and hobbies and what I enjoy contributing to sense of self.
North node also present in 5th house under the sign Cancer, does this emphasis this as the north node is a point of focus in this life?
Cancer Jupiter sextile Virgo Venus in 7th house, how does this aspect contribute/relate to sense of self?
How would you read these placements?
Apr 30, 2024
In Evolutionary Astrology Q&A
When trying to understand an individual's intrinsic desires and freedom requirements can it be assumed that by looking at the location of Mars, Aries & the ascendant (planets, aspects and house) also the ruler of ascendant (planet, house and sign) that this makes up the desires of that person?
Ex: Aries 2nd house - desire for financial freedom and independence regarding resources, desire to be self sufficient?
Ex 2: ascendant in Pisces, ruler Jupiter in 5th house, desire for freedom regarding creative and self expression?
Ex 3: Moon in Aries second house opposition Sun in Libra 8th house, fear of entrapment and need for liberty from constricting relationships and fear of financial entrapment via relationship?
Please let me know if I am barking up the wrong tree, open to lots of feedback.
Apr 24, 2024
In Evolutionary Astrology Q&A
Looking for confirmation on a chart observation.
Aries 2nd house, moon in 2nd house, mars in 11th house, possibly what this could mean sexually is a tendency to move on quickly from sexual partners, friends with benefits could be a relevant experience, sexual nonconformity, potentially open relationships, eccentrics, not a very emotion-based person when it comes to sex, quick to the point, passionate and intense. Capricorn as the sign ruling mars, practical and detached emotionally in sexual encounters.
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