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Eagle Gift
Jan 06, 2024
In Evolutionary Astrology Q&A
Rad, How does what we call karma work wtih regard to those who have made a contract with Evil? There are stories & examples within EA wherein these souls are 'confronted' with their deeds, but, if they've made a contract, what's the good in that? They will not learn nor change, everything will be fodder for their evil perspective. They can never truly know what they've done, because they are always the eternal victims. So, I just don't understand this idea that when they hurt those of God/dess etc they are 'confronted' with themselves & their choices. They don't care, it won't hurt them, they cannot learn - they evolve toward evil. Yet, it seems that part of the point of trying to destroy souls aligned with God/dess is to feel the horror of their choice: can they feel that? It seems souls aligned with God/dess are attacked by these souls - the horror will make the evil souls happier, not less so, what's their lesson then? And ultimately, my queston is with regard to this: if the archetypal lesson for those aligned with God/dess in the spiritual state to realize that all comes from within, & that they must know they shouldn't look outward for God/dess per se to ovecome, they need to be God/dess within themselves, to understand that they are their own 'saviors', & if they want light to prevail that they then must BE the light - ? You cannot just wait around for it. Sorry if this is disjointed. I truly don't know how Evil ever learns a thing via it's torture of the Light. Thanks Rad
Eagle Gift
Nov 26, 2023
In Evolutionary Astrology Q&A
Eagle Gift
Feb 28, 2023
In Evolutionary Astrology Q&A
Hello I am wondering if any EA astrologers have incorporated Chariklo into their studies/readings? She is the largest asteroid, & the only known one to have rings. In mythology she is the wife of Chiron. The title of my post comes from a lovely woman who is 'Forever Conscious' - her astrology practice. I've been delving into Chariklo a bit - & last few days became more intense. & it was this morning when I saw this asteroid conjunct Jesus' descendant that I decided to delve a bit deeper. On the whole, the last couple of months, I've been noticing Chariklo as prominent - & I find the aforesaid article to be a wonderful statement about the nature of this asteroid. Melanie Reinhart also has a great article & insight on her website. I have to say: this urgency to look deeper is happening as Chiron is transiting my natal Chariklo in the 12th house! I'd love to know the thoughts here of fellow EA astrologers - I'd love to hear especially from anyone who does readings who's been using this asteroid. Thanks for the collective wisdom shared here!

Eagle Gift

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