JWG Association of Evolutionary Astrologers

Monthly Class Series
Membership in the Association includes attendance and participation in the entire monthly class series taught by the team of Evolutionary Astrologers: Rose Marcus, Deva Green, Kristin Fontana, Ari Moshe Wolfe & Rav Chahal

Join the Next Class Series
Planetary Pairs!
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Planetary Pairs Class Series
Join us beginning on Nov 18th 2023 for the Planetary Pairs Class series with Kristin Fontana, Ari Moshe Wolfe, Deva Green, Rose Marcus, Rav Chahal, with Bradley Naragon, Jason Holley and Simon Voster, as we dive into the Planetary Pairs of Pluto Mars, Uranus Saturn, Jupiter Mercury, Mars Venus, Sun Moon, Jupiter Neptune, and Saturn Moon
Pluto Mars~ Dec 9th
with Kristin Fontana & Rose Marcus

Uranus Saturn~ Jan 13th with Ari Moshe Wolfe & Jason Holley

Jupiter Mercury ~ Feb 10th
with Simon Vorster & Deva Green
Sun Moon~Mar 9th with Rose Marcus & Rav Chahal

Mars Venus~ April 13th with Jason Holley & Kristin Fontana
Jupiter Neptune ~ May 11th
with Bradley Naragon & Ari Moshe Wolfe

Saturn Moon ~
June 8th with Deva Green & Michelle Dench

Complete Planetary Pairs Workbook
Last Year's Class Series
Join Last Year's Association Class series, All of the Content is Recorded and Available now for instant Online Access. Existing members can sign in to the online portal for Access
Mars rx in Gemini~
with Kristin Fontana & Rose Marcus

Transiting Mars enters Gemini on August 20, 2022. Typically, a Mars transit will spend 5 to 6 weeks on tour through a sign. Due to a retrograde cycle (October 30 to January 12, 2023), the current Mars in Gemini cycle will extend for 7 months! Mars correlates to personal will in action, driven by the soul’s desire for a fresh experiential learning track. Kristin and Rose will discuss the evolutionary astrology viewpoint on the importance of Mars as a vehicle for soul growth. This lecture will cover an overview, including the Mars/Pluto interface, Mars retrograde, and the Mars transit.
Pluto paradigm ~ with
Rav Chahal & Deva Green

This presentation will focus on applying the Pluto paradigm one step at a time. Pluto, and the moons nodes, it's rulers and aspects to other planets symbolize the "trinity of the past" and the core dynamics brought forward into the current life. Pluto's polarity point, the North Node of the Moon, its planetary ruler and aspects to other planets symbolize the Souls "next steps" for the current life, and how to transmute the limitations of the past.
Understanding the Pluto paradigm is the core principle in EA. This class will focus on teaching the following:
● Applying the Pluto paradigm one step at a time.
● How Pluto, and its planetary nodes, its rulers and aspects to other planets symbolize the "trinity of the past" and the core dynamics brought from the past into this current life.
● How Pluto's Polarity Point, the North Node of the Moon, its planetary ruler and aspects to other planets symbolize the Souls "next steps" for the current life, and how to transmute the limitations of the past.
EA Stages/ Work with one chart~ with Deva Green & Ari Moshe Wolfe
The natal chart tells us everything we need to know about our karmic history and evolutionary purpose, right? Wrong! The natal chart only reflects the reality of the soul. In fact, two souls can have the same natal chart but completely different evolutionary needs. This is so because every soul comes into this world at a different level of consciousness, of self-realization, and the natal chart needs to be read accordingly. In this talk Deva and Ari will teach about the 4 natural stages of evolution and exemplify these teachings by demonstrating how to read the same chart from an EA perspective at different stages of evolution. This is an essential teaching for accurately approaching any natal chart from an Evolutionary Astrology perspective.
Matriarchy Vs. Patriarchy ~ The Evolution of the Soul Journey on Earth!
~ with Rav Chahal & Kristin Fontana
The Matriarchy was a time on Earth when humans lived in accordance with natural law. Existence was defined by giving, sharing and inclusion. The feminine and masculine energies were living in relative harmony, and it was a period when man and woman alike lived in a state of balance with Gaia and the animal kingdom. There was no hierarchy and status during the Matriarchy. A female shaman and a male corn picker were recognized as an equal contributor to the working whole. Natural living such as this existed for hundreds of thousands of years until the end of the Capricorn sub-age of the Cancer age, approximately 6,500 B.C.E ~ 5,500 B.C.E., which was when the transition between the Matriarchy and the Patriarchy transpired. As the Patriarchy took hold, these natural principles progressively became violated and distorted. Gradually, the free will of human's choices shifted from those of inclusion, to choices driven by self-interest, leading to separation and exclusion. The Cancer/Capricorn archetype correlates astrologically to the Matriarchy/Patriarchy, as well as the female/male energies respectively. Kristin and Rav will delve deeply into this transition in history and also share chart examples of how key archetypes are expressed when the Soul is living naturally versus living within a conditioned, patriarchal consciousness. Ultimately, as residents of this sacred Earth, we will need to return to our Mother roots if our planet is to thrive, let alone survive. The Planetary Nodes for us all point to the way back and to a necessary balancing of the energetic scales.
Pluto in Aquarius ~
with Rose Marcus & Ari Moshe Wolfe

Pluto in Aquarius ~ Soon upon us, our first introduction to the life-altering transit of Pluto in Aquarius happens on March 23, 2023. Leaving no stone unturned, this revolutionizing transit reflects a time sweeping and lasting change at all levels of existence. Previews of the effect of Pluto in Aquarius are already in evidence through the threats to survival on the planet, the shattering of everyday reality in a myriad of ways, through modern innovations in the fields of science and technology, and through a growing number of souls awakening to a higher level of consciousness. Considering that Pluto corresponds to evolution and Aquarius to liberation, the potential for profound inner change and soul growth is great here. How can you best ready yourself for this transit?
Pluto square the nodes ~
with Deva Green & Rav Chahal
This presentation will focus on core evolutionary intention/meaning of Pluto conjunct the South or North Node. Pluto retrograde will also be discussed. These are important mitigating factors which will significantly impact how the natal chart is interpreted. Pluto conjunct the South Node highlights the Souls past, and can be expressed as a total relive of core dynamics brought forward into the current life, as fruition of past dynamics, or it can set up a condition of simultaneous relive and fruition. Pluto conjunct the North Node symbolizes the intention to continue to move in the direction indicated by Pluto/North Node conjunction. Pluto retrograde reflects the intention to "throw off" and reject the status quo.
This class will be presenting a look at the Pluto square the Nodes archetype; how it is a signature in EA that needs to be resolved if evolution is to continue. You will learn how:
● Pluto square the nodal axis symbolizes a skipped step signature in a Soul's evolutionary journey.
● With Pluto square the Nodes, how the Soul has not fully developed the lessons reflected by either the SN of the Moon and the NN of the Moon.
● How in the current life the Skipped Step must be fully recovered and resolved in order for a Soul to progress forwards on its evolutionary journey.
● The Resolution Node is the way to overcome the Skipped Step signature and evolve forwards.
Saturn in Pisces ~
with Kristin Fontana & Ari Moshe Wolfe
To understand Saturn from an evolutionary perspective means to understand that all form, time and space are, in their truest sense, the template for our soul’s curriculum. Saturn in transit reflects the contemporary parameters and limitations within which our journey takes place. In March of 2023, Saturn enters Pisces. It will spend two and half years in this sign. This transit reflects a time in which we are learning the lessons of forgiveness and spiritual healing, and to allow higher meaning to direct our lives. It is time to dissolve the boundaries and barriers we have set against the truth, and to become disciples to a power greater than our own to guide us. What are the lessons, collectively and personally, with this transit? How can we best structure our life to reflect our highest ideals?
Pluto on the nodes/Pluto Rx~
with Rose Marcus & Deva Green
This presentation will focus on core evolutionary intention/meaning of Pluto conjunct the South or North Node. Pluto retrograde will also be discussed. These are important mitigating factors which will significantly impact how the natal chart is interpreted. Pluto conjunct the South Node highlights the Souls past, and can be expressed as a total relive of core dynamics brought forward into the current life, as fruition of past dynamics, or it can set up a condition of simultaneous relive and fruition. Pluto conjunct the North Node symbolizes the intention to continue to move in the direction indicated by Pluto/North Node conjunction. Pluto retrograde reflects the intention to "throw off" and reject the status quo.