I hit a roadblock in my understanding and I’m wondering if I got confused somewhere.
In evolutionary astrology, we are born as our South Node and Pluto and evolve into the rest of our chart through conditioning and life experiences. If that’s true, then in early childhood, should a child’s willpower, instinctual drive, and action (Mars) be expressed in the archetype of their South Node/Pluto, or the sign Mars is in?
For example, if a child has:
• Pluto & South Node in Capricorn in the 8th house
• Mars in Leo
Would their early expressions of will, frustration, and drive be more Capricorn/Scorpio-like (controlled, intense, survival-driven, responsible)? Or would they already show signs of Leo (playful, dramatic, confident)?
If Mars represents willpower and drive, but we are born as our South Node & Pluto, does this mean Mars would initially be filtered through the South Node/Pluto archetype before developing into the sign it’s in?
Hi Dominikas,
We don't evolve into the rest of our chart - it's all in total a portrait of where we come from and our evolutionary purpose - all relative to the desires the soul is working out; our evolutionary intent/ process (Pluto).
Of course in the schematic of a child's biological development, all babies start off as babies, so we will watch latent karmic dynamics and tendencies emerge as the soul ages and often at destined timings.
So I'd reword this as when we come into this lifetime, it is our SN that corresponds to the kinds of identities we have palyed out in the past and thus the existing self-image/ self-concept that we (as a soul ) have of ourselves in the current life. These are the emotional memories we have of where we have been and how we know oursleves to be. This self image has been the vehicle/ the focusing agent that has allowed us (the soul) to come into this human life in order to play out human experineces for the sake of the desires that we were working through (Pluto).
The rest of the chart all has context relative to that, it can't be understood in a vacuum. So to have Mars where it is, inclding its phase with Pluto, has a reason from an evolutionary perspective. The core of the EA work is to understand all planetary placements relative to the bottom line reason for why the soul incarnates in the first place: evolution (which means the gradual exhastion of all desires until the only remaining one is the desire for God/Truth alone).
Mars along with the other Aries/1st house related archetypes.
Too abstract for me to know. Is that Leo Mars in a full phase incojunct to that SN Pluto? If so, that says something specific about what kind of Mars dynamics this soul is bringing into this life from the past as well as the phasal relationship between Mars and Pluto which speaks to how the soul is acting upon the desires of Pluto via conscious choice making.
I think I answered this above ...