The only place I know of published orbs for EA are on page 40 of Evolutionary Astrology - Jeffrey Wolf Green Edited by Deva Green on page. It gives a 10 degree orb for squares and on page 39 it gives and example of this 10 degrees applying either side of planets. Is this the correct interpretation please? Also, are the EA orbs published anywhere else?
The EA Glossary compiled by Linda Jonson is a great tool for pretty much anything related to EA. You can find the orbs there for example. Linda has compiled much of the information/answers to questions that people posted since the beginning of the old EA message board and all the practical stuff, so it is something very practical and useful.
And yes, 10 degrees on either side. Although the very first of the ten degrees work very different from the very last within that 20 degree span. If i remeber correctly JWG gave the example of a pair of jeans, right from the beginning they might feel tight or uneasy but with much time of use they feel like second skin.
Hi Daniel,
They are the same.
God Bless, Rad
The only place I know of published orbs for EA are on page 40 of Evolutionary Astrology - Jeffrey Wolf Green Edited by Deva Green on page. It gives a 10 degree orb for squares and on page 39 it gives and example of this 10 degrees applying either side of planets. Is this the correct interpretation please? Also, are the EA orbs published anywhere else?
Hi Adrian,
The EA Glossary compiled by Linda Jonson is a great tool for pretty much anything related to EA. You can find the orbs there for example. Linda has compiled much of the information/answers to questions that people posted since the beginning of the old EA message board and all the practical stuff, so it is something very practical and useful.
And yes, 10 degrees on either side. Although the very first of the ten degrees work very different from the very last within that 20 degree span. If i remeber correctly JWG gave the example of a pair of jeans, right from the beginning they might feel tight or uneasy but with much time of use they feel like second skin.
Hope it helps,