Would nodes in Virgo/ Pisces at 10 degrees square mercury/ Neptune at 17 / 20 sag be a skipped step? And would these nodal rulers square this axis correlate with experiencing the past and future simultaneously? Could anyone elaborate in this. eg in a composite chart would this point to a couple who has desired to experience the past dynamics of the relationship in order to move forward? Thanks 🙏
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HI Greg,
Would nodes in Virgo/ Pisces at 10 degrees square mercury/ Neptune at 17 / 20 sag be a skipped step?
And would these nodal rulers square this axis correlate with experiencing the past and future simultaneously?
Yes, relative to experiencing the dynamics that reflect that past in the present
Could anyone elaborate in this. eg in a composite chart would this point to a couple who has desired to experience the past dynamics of the relationship in order to move forward?
Yes as long as their is a mutual desire to understand how those dynamics has prevented them from moving forwards together in the past, and how, together, they can move forwards, evolve, by resolving those existing dynamics.
God Bless, Rad
Thanks Rad…. To add further. If in this composite chart we have Mars at 25 Pisces and south node at 10, can we say this couple has worked on these skipped steps in the past and the desire in this life is to reach a resolution or completion ( Pisces). aAm I correct in saying Mars on the south node correlates with a desire to relive the pat in some way? So does this intensify the desire symbolised by the nodal rulers in skip steps?
and with Saturn in a new phase conjunction to the north node ( Saturn at 12 north node 10) could this also point to finishing off the smaller details symbolised by the skipped steps. With the north node in Virgo Saturn in the sixth could we say the intention is to complete the healing process?
Thanks for your time