Hi all,
Could someone clarify how to interpret the following kind of multi-layered signature: A skipped step planet that is also the ruler of the south node. Additionally, the planet is in aspect to Pluto, retrograde & conjunct it’s own north node. Is this a case of bringing past dynamics into the current life to continue to be developed? I think what is tripping me up is that the planet is simultaneously the ruler of the south node and a skipped step.
I am not sure how to interpret this kind of multi-layered signature and would appreciate some help.
Hi Lou,
I'd like to see where that planet is placed so we can also know which node is the resoluton node. Will you share the position of all these signatures?
Hi Ari,
The planet is in the 12th house, ruling the SN in 2nd. The NN is in the 8th house, with ruler in 6th.
Ok so in this case, the NN in the 8th is the resolution node. This means the soul needs to focus the entire square compex (the planet in the 12th and the sn, which is ruled by that planet) through the NN. This strongly emphasizes the need to re-live and evolve that planetary sn dynamic in a new way that serves evolution.
For example, lets say we are dealing with SN in Gemini and the planet squaring is Mercury. This would speak to issues with being overly identified with the linear function to the point of digging a well/hole in one's linear frameworks: Gemini 2nd. The 12th house would speak to utter confusion and lack of perspective followed by periods of intellectual clarity etc. The point is that as long as the soul is depending on the linear mind to undersatnd their reaity, they will not arrive at meaningful insight.
Thus the NN in Sag implies learning to reference the intuitive mind, without which, there's no ground or ability to know the truth of anything.
The planet in question is in fact Mercury so this example is fantastic! Okay, that makes sense given that this person has expressed that they often experience mental confusion. They also experience a lot of strong reactions from other people when they communicate, which they say makes them feel like they’ve said or done the wrong thing, so they pull away and stop socialising—sounds exactly like a 2nd house thing.
Also, can I ask—does the resolution node, being the last node to make contact with the planet, mean that the individual came into the life with the planetary function expressing through the NN dynamics, and that some event, internal or external, occurred, creating a ‘fallback’ into the south node, so as to initiate the recovering of skipped steps?
Here's a thread where I asked these kinds of questions and Rad helped me through it. It was very clarifying for me. Let me know if you have any further quetsions after checking this out and I'm happy to assist.