Re: Pluto square the DVD course (pages 146, 147 segment 2 of transcript) Jeffrey teaches that unless Pluto squares the nodes, the base line in any chart is the Pluto polarity point. Because when that is developed there is an automatic evolution or rebirthing of the natal position of Pluto. That is the base line in every chart, unless you find Pluto square the nodal axis. When other planets square the nodes, and Pluto does not, the base line is PPP. With respect to the planet other than Pluto squaring the nodal axis, the base line for that planet is the node that last formed the conjunction to that planet. Jeffrey also said "whatever node last formed conjunction, that area serves as base line for skipped steps that are implied to be recovered and consistently developed in this life. The point here is to develop consistency so whatever node that is, that is where it comes out, relative to the location of its planetary ruler."
I would like to check my understanding of a few things, firstly, the base line...this is referring to the soul's evolutionary intention. As I understand, the soul cannot evolve unless the skipped step has been resolved and so this is why the base line is the resolution node when Pluto is square the nodal axis.
The soul has an intention it brings into this lifetime. Past desires are shown by Pluto house/sign. The Pluto polarity point shows intention for this lifetime.
Because the soul has desires it must create an ego structure to have a human experience. In this life, the ego, or 'vehicle for human experience' is the Moon.
The past ways ego has known itself is shown in the chart via south node and its planetary ruler. The south node planetary ruler is how the ego has actualized itself in the past.
The way soul is seeking to evolve and intends to know itself in a new way is via the north node and its planetary ruler.
All parts of the chart are in relationship to Pluto and thus also its evolutionary intent which is described by the PPP, house and sign.
When a planet, other than Pluto is squaring the nodes, then the base line for that planet is the resolution node. The baseline for the rest of the chart would be PPP. That would mean that the planet square the nodal axis cannot connect with Pluto and its PPP the same way as the rest of the planets in the chart. I am trying to understand what that would look like. I have provided an example below to try and bring clarity.
Example: Jupiter in Sagittarius square the south node Virgo 12th, north node Pisces 6th house. Mercury in 5th, Aquarius is planetary ruler of resolution node... to recover the skipped step and integrate the Jupiter function, consistent focus attention must be placed on Virgo, 12th house archetype to heal Jupiter dynamics (honesty, authenticity, intuition etc). Mercury 5th/Aquarius would show how in the past soul has actualized itself in ways to create the skipped step, thus serve as lessons on how and where the improvement/change must occur?
If Jupiter squares nodal axis, how does Jupiter relate to Pluto and PPP? I am envisioning this as a shamed child not wanting to look their parent in the eye.
How do the resolution node and the nodal ruler differ in their roles, particularly when it comes to resolving the skipped step?
Does the archetype of the planet's (Jupiter in Sag) polarity point, Gemini also give clues to what has not been integrated in the past?
Also please clarify if it is correct that when Pluto squares the nodes, then the resolution node is the baseline. If so is that for the entire chart, and how does this change Pluto's relationship with PPP ? It seems like skipped steps create a fracturing to the soul program.
My apologies if I have included too much in one post. I am grateful for any feedback.
Hi Michelle,
Just want to let you know I plan on responding to this hopefully tomorrow! If you can, will you post this chart example with the stripped down signatures you mentioned so it's easier for everyone to follow? Feel free to use this program too:
Hi Michelle,
Just to clarify this in case anyone might misunderstand this...
The PPP is always relevant unless of course Pluto is conjunct the NN. However when Pluto is squaring the nodes, the skipped step dynamic will be a block to actualizing the PPP.
For example, a 7th house Pluto squaring the nodes. Evolution will be blocked relative to that 7th house Pluto, which means that PPP in the 1st will not be actualized as long as there is that Pluto skipped step. This is because the PPP is always defacto activated by the NN, which in this case is held up by the square dynamic. Thus, activating the PPP requires resolving the square dynamics via the resolution node as you quoted above.
So I think what JWG was saying is that the 'baseline" is to work out the resolution node to resolve the square as that is the way to the PPP. By no means is it to imply that the PPP is not the evolutionary purpose of the current life, but rather that there is a specific resolution process required in order for that PPP to be actualized.
That's what I understand as well. As that is ultimately the way that the PPP can be actualized in the first place.
Yes and to be 100% clear, I'd restate this as the past ways the SOUL has known itself is via the SN along with its planetary ruler. The south node along with its planetary ruler is how the soul has actualized itself through an ego structure in the past.
Yes and via the necessary integration of that evolutionary intent/purpose through the evolution of the ego: the NN and resolving any square nodal dynamics.
Just to clarify the term "baseline". The resolution node is the baseline for triggering resolution of the the square dynamic. Evolution itself cannot proceed in a clear way until the nodal dynamics are resolved, since evolution occurs through the emotional body. This is true no matter which planet squares the nodes. The "rest of the chart" cannot evolve otherwise even if Pluto isn't squaring the nodes. If the nodal dynamics are stuck up in some way, the PPP cannot be fully actualized because the NN cannot be fully developed until the square is resolved. It all happens simultaneously.
My sense is there might be a misunderstanding of what JWG wrote above - so let me know if this isn't clear yet.
It's both going to provide context and more perspective on the nature of the skipped step, since it's innately connected to that Virgo SN, and it will speak to the kind of past identities and the nature of those identities. It wouldn't however directly show how the skipped step itself was created. It's just a part of the story of understanding the skipped step. And likewise, it will be a part of what the soul will be working on in the skipped step resolution, but its not directly how the improvement must occur. As the ruler of the SN, it is associative/ connected to the whole story and understanding the nature of the skipped step and its resolution, but not the implicit cause of the skipped step within itself.
Until the nodal square is resolved there will be a block to fully actualizing the PPP. It can be understood to a point, but only to a point.
JWG taught on planetary polarity points in this talk "from karma to dharma". This might offer some perspective on this question in general.
View Part 1 on YouTube (1 hour 35 minutes)
View Part 2 on YouTube (2 hours 18 minutes)
Yes. Remember that the Pluto soul dynamics are THE BOTTOM LINE of the entire chart/ the entire lifetime. Desire is what brings us into this life. So Pluto square the nodes means the resolution node is an essential baseline for working out the core soul program in order for the PPP to be actualized. Everything else in the chart can only be understood relative to "why" thee soul has incarnated in the first place: the desires it is working out.
Let me know if you have any further clarifications regarding this.
Thank you Ari for going through all of this. What you wrote does clarify things for me. I think I was understanding it to be more complicated than it is. From what you wrote it sounds to me like there really is no difference between Pluto and any other planet squaring the nodal axis in regards to the skipped step itself and this must be resolved before the PPP can be fully understood and integrated. The reminder that evolution occurs through the emotional body is helpful.
I will watch the videos you linked re: planetary polarity points. Thank you!