Thanks again to everyone for the wonderful course on Saturday. I’ve been reflecting on Brando’s chart reading from the class this past weekend. So many insights. Two classic Brando roles came to my mind from his career: On The Waterfront (1954) and Last Tango in Paris (1972).
On The Waterfront featured the famous line “I coulda been a contender”. In the film, he was betrayed by his own brother (Pl/CAN/8H = family betrayal?). This plot point popped into my head when Rad was discussing Brando’s real-life backstory, and how a knee injury had prevented him from pursuing a career in sports. In his chart, might we see this as Brando’s Chiron/Aries/5H (sports injury?) broadly squaring his Pluto/Cancer/8H (soul path?), fating him to pursue a different path. Hmmm.
When the film was released in 1954, Brando had transiting South Node (and a massive Cancer stellium) conjunct his natal Pl/CAN/8H and square his stellium in Aries. He won his first Academy Award for Best Actor that year. Interesting!
Last Tango in Paris featured an infamous rape scene with butter (mother’s milk?) being used as a lubricant. The film was scandalous and taboo-breaking, seemingly in alignment with Brando’s natal Pl/CAN/8H. It also came up on the call that Jeffrey had once referred to the Pluto/Mars opposition as a potential “rape signature.” When the film debuted in 1972, Brando once again had transiting South Node conjunct his natal Pl. It had been 18 years since On The Waterfront.
Thought others might find that interesting.
Sat Nam,
Hi Daljeet,
Thank you for taking the time to present your ideas on Marlon Brando's natal chart. Isn't it interesting to see how an individual's chart plays out when doing EA detective work! EA is a natural science, and it is through observation and correlation that we can begin to see how a Soul's past/present/potential future has and may play out.
You mentioned two pivotal roles he portrayed in his career and (those alongside many others too) were always going to play a part in his Soul's evolution. The ruler of his SN of the Moon is Neptune Rx in the 9th house Leo. Neptune rules films and he had a natural affinity (9th house) for the arts (Leo) and the two movies you mention provide a comparison to his own chart dynamics.
Yes, the sports injury he sustained most likely was a fated event in his life to push him towards a different path which I referred to in the class and I would agree with the following statement you made: "with Brando’s Chiron/Aries/5H (sports injury?) broadly squaring his Pluto/Cancer/8H (soul path?), fating him to pursue a different path".
With the Pluto/Mars signature you have related this to the movie "The Last Tango in Paris". Marlon Brando wasn't afraid to deal with subjects' others may have been uncomfortable with, and yes that would refer to his Pluto position in the 8th house - dealing with taboo subjects but at the same time this can also be a reflection of betrayal and violations of trust. The actress from the film mentioned in an interview recently of that infamous scene that she felt Marlon Brando was manipulated by the director of the film and that she stayed friends with Brando until his death in 2004.
Mars is the lower octave of Pluto and in Brando's chart I feel the Mars/Pluto opposition had more to do with Brando desiring to throw off old ways of relating and stepping into his own power where he could be secure from within (Mars in the 2nd house Capricorn conjunct the Pluto Polarity Point). Mars/Pluto dynamics in EA is about our conscious desires (Mars) interfacing with our deepest unconscious security needs (Pluto).
With Brando being in the 3rd stage individuated stage of consciousness, (next month's class will be all about EA Stages which will explain why the natal chart needs to be read according to a Soul's evolutionary state), he was at a point where the world got to see a truly unique and gifted individual and he wasn't afraid to speak his truth (being an avid activist for many causes).
I hope this provides some further clarity and information into Brando's chart.
Thank you
Thanks for the reply and great insights, Rav. My 8th house Venus just loves your notion of “EA detective work!”
This Mars/Pluto opposition offers a fascinating case study, likely allowing for such a soul to gain conscious awareness of the desire of the Pluto polarity point, which can often be rather nebulous and unconscious for many of us. And the SN ruler of Neptune/Leo/9H connected to film/fantasy makes so much sense. Brilliant!
I’m also glad you mentioned the EA Stages. It was actually something I was hoping to bring up at the next mentorship class. I’ve always been curious to know what the source of this concept was, if any. I always presumed it might be of a Vedic/Hindu origin (given Jeffrey’s affinity with Sri Yukteswar), but I’ve never been able to confirm a source in any of the EA literature or lectures.
Are you aware of how/where Jeff came up with this concept and its subsequent incorporation into EA? Any insights would be greatly appreciated!
Sat Nam,