Hi everyone,
I hope you are all great!
I had a question I’ve been pondering about, and maybe someone can help clarify or share your thoughts.
In specific relating to a Pluto/Planet conjunction.
I understand the dynamics if a planet is conjunct the south node; or if the south node is conjunct pluto itself --- but I am curious if there is any special archetypal meaning to have a planet conjunct Pluto(whether its balsamic or new) – with Pluto representing the soul, its prior life lessons and where it has left off.
What is the main difference in synthesizing for example: Pluto conjunct Saturn versus Saturn conjunct the South Node
Looking forward to hearing back,
With gratitude & love,
Hi Natasha,
Here is a thread on the old message board that talks about these same questions.
Planet conjunct Pluto Question
Also, if you read in the back of the Pluto one book JWG talks about the significance of Pluto aspecting specific planets.
Hope this helps.
with love,
Hi Natasha,
Offering my response as I'm not sure if that thread Jordyn posted addressed your specific question. The difference is Saturn on Sn corresponds to the specific Saturn dynamics brought forward from the past relative to where the soul left off. This can express as the typical 3 conditions of the SN (relive, fruitive, or combiation of both). This SN Saturn conjunction, along with the ruler of the SN and any other aspects speak to how the soul has been moving through the world in past lives: the nature of the identity and the human experineces it has been playing out and bringing forward from the past.
Pluto, along with any planets in aspect to Pluto will correspond to WHY the soul has whatever SN (as well as planets on the sn etc). Pluto and its aspects correspond to the bottom line evolutionary intention: our evolutionary purpose as a soul. The SN and all planets on SN + SN ruler have been the vehicle for the evolutionary purpose of the soul leading to this life; the forum through which the soul has been playing out its evolutionary intentions. So it's necessary to consider what Pluto is all about, what the SN is all about, and how they operate together. By extension, this would answer your question.
Jordyn thanks for your links on forum
@Ari - this answers it perfectly! Exactly what I needed, thank you for writing that out for me.