Hello! I'm new to the forum. I did the EA course 10 years ago, and have had a couple brain injuries since then. I'm relearning astrology after a recovery hiatus. Im working on a synastry chart now that has A's North Node exactly conjunct B's Saturn. This conjunction is at 18* Cancer in A's 7th house. This degree is also currently having a long station by Mars retrograde. These friends met almost exactly 2 years ago, after A had a vivid dream of B, and then met B in real life 5 days later. A is trying to understand why/how this person entered her dream life, and what is the purpose of the connection. I appreciate any insights or guidance! Thank you!
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Hi Mantramuse,
To interpret natal and composite/synastry charts we must look at the chart(s) as a whole rather than isolating symbols. Let me know if this makes sense.
Hi Deva,
I apologize, I did not read the pre posting information before asking this question.
And yes, I do understand what you are suggesting. Thank you for your response, and reminder!