Hello EA Community! I have been hiding for a long time from fully stepping into my natural talents and gifts and through divine timing I am accepting the invitation from within to creatively self actualize in order to learn and share with others as a way to be of service. I have been studying EA in depth since 2020 as it found me when I needed it the most in order to understand my soul’s evolution unfolding before my eyes. I intend to participate on this forum with chart interpretations to keep learning and apply the learning ongoing. I appreciate any thoughts, feedback, and discussion as a way to cultivate further education through the EA lens; I am always learning, growing, and touched by EA and the teachings of Jeffrey Wolf Green, My intention is to help generate more knowledge shared, connection, and community here. The teachings of Jeffrey Wolf Green and the EA community is near and dear to my heart and my intention is to contribute creating community and connection with you all.
Today, I feel a strong impulse to look at the Los Angeles chart because of the natural disasters taking place through fires. I lived there for almost 20 years, just recently leaving in 2024 so I have a desire to observe and correlate the current transits. Please feel free to share feedback and what you see from your perspective.
The chart I have is from January 8th, 2025 at 9:25am - I know this shifts throughout the day by house - this shows my interpretation at this time noted above.
In this chart, we have Pluto in Aquarius in the 12th house with the polarity being Leo in the 6th. Right away, the 6th and 12th houses correlate to induced crisis occurring as a way to self improve. In this case, it correlates to both improving on an individual level and on a collective level being that Pluto sits in the 12th (collective consciousness and connection to Spirit) and the polarity point being the 6th (self improvement) If we just looked at the Pluto placement and its polarity point, we are dealing with the dynamics of crisis taking place in order for individuals to come together in order to resolve and dissolve old patterns, habits, and dynamics that only served the individual (Leo in the 6th) because it’s time to spiritualize and come together as a way to creatively self actualize community and unity consciousness (pluto in Aquarius in the 12th) Keep in mind, we are liberating from the lower expressions of Leo/Aquarius (selfishness of the individual, dissociation from the heart (Leo) and isolation from community, overuse of the mind, dissociation from community (Aquarius) + Virgo/Pisces. Lower expressions of Virgo/Pisces would highlight unhealthy habits, patterns for the mind and body on a daily basis, unhealthy coping skills, perhaps working to serve the individual and not the natural expression of being of service (Virgo) + victim consciousness, blaming others, checking out, overwhelm, and disconnection from spirit in that through timeless principles and natural law; we all have a purpose through giving sharing, inclusion (Pisces w/ a sprinkle of of SAG, and Libra)
Pluto is ruled by Uranus and in this chart, Uranus is in Taurus retrograde in the 3rd house. Therefore, we are dealing with dynamics of truth, belief structures, communication, and Natural Law being that the natural houses of the principles of Natural Law are Gemini and Sag. Uranus in Taurus in the 3rd ruled by that Venus speaks into the severing of truths and belief structures of society as we experience and interface cataclysmic atmospheric changes through natural disasters affecting and forever changing the infrastructure and lands of (in this case) Los Angeles which includes the land and the ocean off of the PCH. This Uranus is ruled by Venus in Pisces in the 1st in a balsamic phase to Saturn in Pisces ruled by Neptune in Pisces also sitting in the 1st house. This marks the infrastructural change of a consciousness of individuals because of the spiritual consciousness change of the collective taking place because of Saturn and Neptune in Pisces. That said…
We are days away from a nodal shift of the Moon - we are leaving the axis of Aries/Libra and entering into the Pisces/Virgo axis. In this chart, the North Node is in Aries (fire) with the South Node in Libra (air) in the 2nd house (survival, resources, inner relationship to self (2nd) and how we share with others (8th)) In fact, we are witnessing the shift from Aries (self) and Libra (others) into Virgo (self improvement) and Pisces (collective spirituality and consciousness)
We are already in the nodal shift energies where crisis occurs and is occurring at this time and in this case, Los Angeles. Devastation and destruction is happening and we are witnessing the archetype of SN in Virgo/6th and NN in Pisces/12th. The message here is that through this physical crisis induced by changes happening in the atmosphere, there is an opportunity for individuals to come together, help each other, build community as a way to improve and heal the old dynamics from the past that were not rooted in the timeless principles of Natural Law, giving, sharing, and inclusion.
It’s worth mentioning that Jupiter in Gemini retrograde is sitting in the 4th house conjunct to the SN of Uranus (correlating to returning Natural Law) opposite to Sag in the 10th, conjunct the SN of Uranus (correlating to patriarchal systems of the past not rooted in Natural Law) They are in mutual reception and speak to this dynamic of recovering the truth and information we need in order to return to the timeless principles of Natural Law by deconditioning (Saturn in Pisces and this Jupiter’s polarity point being Sag in the 10th) What is truth, what is the information we are taking in and how is it rooted in Natural Law and or is not? Mercury is also in Sag in the 10th which plays into this dynamic of truth, communication, thoughts, and our beliefs when it comes to Natural Law.
I’ll conclude with Mars in Leo in the 6th retrograde (Natural house of Virgo) this reveals the repeating signature and themes around induced crisis in order for improvement to occur and communities coming together as way to liberate (Aquarius) from the dynamics of the past that are not rooted in love and our hearts, but are rooted in anger, war, and division.
What is interesting to me is that Sophrosyne is conjunct my Mercury at 3/4 degrees by one degree in Aquarius, conjunct Pluto. Kassandra is at 20 degrees conjunct my Lilith and Sun in Aquarius at 24 degrees ruled by Uranus in Taurus trining my SN and Venus in Cap - this Uranus is ruling Pluto in Aquarius conjunct my Mercury. Furthermore, Amazone is conjunct my Venus in Cap at 23 degrees conjunct the Sun, Pallas Athena, and Lilith. WOW, this work is amazing and I am SO GRATEFUL.
Those who are ready and listening are hearing the call. I am sending oceans of love to all <3
January 8th, 2025 at 9:25am - Los Angeles, CA

Hi Jordan,
Great analysis! I appreciate your effort and your willingness to share this. I want to reiterate some of the signatures that you did great on speaking about in this chart.
A couple of thoughts I have for this is that the lunar nn is in the second house and speaks to the fire happening on the land (2nd) and is also reflected in Mars in Leo/6th ruling the nn. Mars is also opposing Pluto in the 12th as you mentioned. The elitist desires (Mars in Leo rx) that need to be thrown off because of them perpetuating crisis. The opposition speaks to yes, the atmospheric changes, especially dealing with the wind (Pluto sextile to the nn) and how the over identification with patriarchal values (Uranus in Taurus ruling Pluto in the 12th with Capricorn on the cusp) and thinking is perpetuating crisis and trauma for the community (Aquarius) and the land (Taurus).
The sn in Libra in the 8th is reflecting the extremes that are occurring because of how resources are not being shared equitably. This stems from how the people and government systems are at odds with how they relate to each other and how they share and give. This is actually being used as a catalytic event in order to confront (8th house). Venus in Pisces ruling that in the 1st is indicative of this new cycle of dissolving these dynamics of how we value and how we share and whether or not it is equitable, this is action is created through the disillusioning experience of loss. Including how we give and receive with Gaia (Venus ruling Uranus).
Ceres in Aquarius ruled by Uranus in Taurus also speaks to the loss of community including animal life through these traumatic events, stemming from how we utilize the Taurus resources. The need to liberate (Capricorn on the 11th) from how the patriarchy relates to humanity and the conditioning factors that perpetuate crisis. With Capricorn on the 12th this doubles down on the need to dissolve the old structures within the collective conscious in order to restructure society in a way that is in alignment with equal sharing and giving, even to Gaia, and rooted in timeless and universal principles.
I also see the 12th house/ Aquarius energy in tandem with the Pisces/1st house energy speaking to how communities when naturally expressed don't have patriarchal boundaries. Meaning, we have seen an immense amount of people from different communities come together despite race or background to help serve in a cause. This brings in the Virgo polarity energy in the 7th which projecting the natural law of giving, sharing, and inclusion that was sparked through the Virgo crisis.
Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces speaks to how those from different cultures and countries have traveled to create action in order to help and heal. This is more a natural expression of this square, whereas I also see how lies being communicated about this are needing to be dissolved. These lies are perpetuated by dishonest leadership that is communicating for their own benefit and security (Jupiter in Gemini rx in the 4th ruled by Mercury in Sagittarius in the 10th). This is also seen with Saturn in a gibbous bi-quintile to Mars. The need to improve upon healing from the heart through dissolving the patriarchal structures rooted in exclusivity. The absolute need to improve upon our leadership.
The only other thing I would add is that we need to remember that 70% of the population is consensus and is not going to spiritualize through this, but it does have the potential to accelerate (Aquarius) the collective growth.
Again, thank you for posting a chart, giving your reflections, and your analysis. This is what EA is all about!
with love and gratitude,