Does a comprehensive guideline exist specific to jwg evolutionary astrology, of what the ethical/moral standards and expectations are for being a consulting astrologer in this framework/lineage?
JWG Association of Evolutionary Astrologers
Hi Julianne,
Yes, the clear boundaries of the teachings can be gained and experienced directly from the JWG correspondence course ~ as in directly from the 'horse's mouth'.
Deva is currently teaching a path to certification class, that meets twice per month on Thursdays. In this class, the student's practice the homework charts that Jeffrey included in the original Course for those interested in becoming certified Evolutionary Astrologers through him.
Deva grades the homework and provides the certificates. She does not deviate from the original structure and has clear boundaries with the teachings so students can remain true to the purity of the intentions of this work.
Goddess Bless,
P.S. If you are interested in joining the Mentorship Class, Michelle is the moderator for that so you can email her.