Does a comprehensive guideline exist specific to jwg evolutionary astrology, of what the ethical/moral standards and expectations are for being a consulting astrologer in this framework/lineage?
JWG Association of Evolutionary Astrologers
Hi Julianne,
This is a really good question, @devagreen @kfontana do you know anything about this?
Hi Julianne,
Deva and I collaborated on a response to your question.
While there are no specific guidelines, JWG suggested to always ask the client their specific questions first because Evolutionary Astrology is based on individual context, which includes being able to observe the client's evolutionary state ie. observation/ correlation.
As per Jung, Jeffrey would often add that our role as Evolutionary Astrologers is to objectively validate the subjective reality of the client. This allows for an illumination of natural next steps versus speaking too far ahead of what the client is ready for, which can create the opposite effect intended.
When working with transits, the planetary alignments speak to potentialities, not absolutes. So, generally speaking, EA is not used for predictive purposes. However, the transits and progressions can point to evolutionary gates and intersections that facilitate movement and growth, and when interpreted clearly, can become powerful turnstiles leading to desirable evolution.
Hi, Kristin (and Deva!)
Thank you so much. This is powerfully clear and exactly what I was looking for, and it helps me see where I still have important reflections/questions.
If it ever becomes available, I would profoundly appreciate an in depth training course specifically on the phillosphy behind the evolutionary stages, the practice of observing and correlating them in consultation- and perhaps some examples of this phenomenon as you mention....
Additionally, I would be deeply curious to know if the points you mention can be extended philosophically to the teaching pedagogy in this lineage/framework. But perhaps thats a larger task. I have yet to purchase the full course but plan too in the near future, and perhaps I will be able to draw more of my own conclusions then.
Hi Julianne,
We can look to add a teaching course on the Evolutionary States in the coming months if there is interest in the community.
Deva wrote an EA book on the Moon and its Nodes which includes Evolutionary States ~ I highly recommend it.
Also, the original course taught by JWG is essential for doing this work. It lays the necessary foundation. I just started re-watching the original course again after 25 years and continue to glean more insights. It is invaluable.
Deva is currently teaching a path to certification classes twice a month once you get the course and are ready to work on homework assignments.
You wrote:
Additionally, I would be deeply curious to know if the points you mention can be extended philosophically to the teaching pedagogy in this lineage/framework.
(Let me know if this answers any of your question..if not, let me know.)
Evolutionary Astrology is a Natural Science based on observation and correlation, along with the understanding that one size does not fit all, which is why the individual context is so important. This includes not only an awareness of the evolutionary state for any given Soul but also the individual culture, country of origin, and family dynamics that one is born into. This can significantly color each individual story in terms of how those natal symbols play out.
Other JWG teachings include:
We are all in a continuous state of becoming.
The rate and speed of our evolution is directly linked with choices that we make.
As an Evolutionary Astrologer, it is important to help client's understand WHY they continue getting stuck in the loop of repeating themes.
Once you uncover the repeating archetypal themes, you are understanding the emphasis within someone’s consciousness. This is where you focus, this is how you can help your client evolve.
Hi Kristin,
Thanks again for your response.
I have been studying in Ari's training program for several years now and am excited to get this course. While I feel very well practiced I am seeking even more growth within the containment of a lineage and specifically the clear boundaries of that lineage, in a more saturnian expression of its philosophical / logic structure.
I appreciate and gravitate to EA for its emphasis on the individual context, but my question about pedagogy was more about what can be deduced from on the EA philosophy about the standards and practices of Teacher of EA to Students of Astrology, not just clients- if no ethics and standards exist black/white for how a teacher should show up to or share this wisdom. I think the answer is clear in that the EA lienage is only taught officially through the online correspondence course we're talking about here, so that's where I'd find the living expression of the answers I seek. Would that be right to assume?
Thanks again,
ps. i have and love Deva's book on the moon's nodes. Will re read it again on this occasion. Thanks!
Hi Julianne,
Yes, the clear boundaries of the teachings can be gained and experienced directly from the JWG correspondence course ~ as in directly from the 'horse's mouth'.
Deva is currently teaching a path to certification class, that meets twice per month on Thursdays. In this class, the student's practice the homework charts that Jeffrey included in the original Course for those interested in becoming certified Evolutionary Astrologers through him.
Deva grades the homework and provides the certificates. She does not deviate from the original structure and has clear boundaries with the teachings so students can remain true to the purity of the intentions of this work.
Goddess Bless,
P.S. If you are interested in joining the Mentorship Class, Michelle is the moderator for that so you can email her.