I tried to find some sources online for this forum and the old forum, but I couldn’t find.
I’m still doing research on a chart interpretation and in Dave Green’s tutorial on YouTube and talked about the water Trinity and the progression and emotional security from outside to inside giving examples of what that looks like for cancer Scorpio and Pisces individually.
Would someone be able to give me the same type of explanation for fire trinity air trinity and earth trinity?
From what I can remember, earth was about succeeding in civilization . From personal resources to finding right work to serve others and therefore civilization. But fire and air I couldn’t find.
Hi Dominikas,
First, I really do recommend my Essentials Course where I give examples of all those things as well as an indepth explanation of the elements and the sign archetypes. This program is designed not just for those who are new to EA but also for those who are also new to astrology. To be clear I'm not trying to promote my course for its own sake, I just genuinely think it'll be helpful for you.
For here, if you'd like to give a shot at answering your quesiton I'm happy to provide feedback and support according to your efforts.
I appreciate that your course goes in-depth on these topics, and I’d definitely consider it if I could. Unfortunately, in my current state, it’s just not something I can afford right now, which is why I’m trying to learn as much as I can through the forum. Since we were recently encouraged to ask more questions here, I wanted to take that opportunity :)
If I didn’t understand the December post made by Rav Chahal please let me know. I always get the feeling my questions are too basic for this forum yet then some people make it seem like I can ask. So I’m a little bit confused and I don’t want to bother anyone but also really am excited about this course and hopefully new life path. I’m trying hard to be a great EA astrologer. Which leaves me a little nervous. If someone could clarify what I can ask or maybe if I can improve my structure, that would be helpful. My north node is in Gemini in the 10th so it’s a struggle (if that example helps clarify).
As for giving it a shot—here’s my understanding so far: Each element naturally forms a trinity fire, earth, air, water. The progress is shaped through modality (cardinal fixed mutable)
• Water Trinity (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces): emotional/spiritual evolutionary process—moving from personal emotional security (Cancer) to relational/emotional transformation (Scorpio) to universal compassion and ultimate surrender (Pisces)?
• Fire Trinity (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius): evolution of self-expression? Or is it identity??. from instinctual identity and willpower (Aries) to personal creative actualization (Leo) to belief system expansion and a search for ultimate truth (Sagittarius)?
• Earth Trinity (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn): material and structural evolution. starting with survival and self-sufficiency (Taurus), then refining and improving through self-analysis and service (Virgo), and culminating in externalized mastery and societal contribution (Capricorn)?
• Air Trinity (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius): evolution of the mind and social connectio?? , moving from curiosity and gathering information (Gemini) to awareness and balance through relationships (Libra) to intellectual individuation and progressive vision (Aquarius)?
I would love to know if I’m on the right track or if EA interprets these trinities in a different way. Or adds a different layer or insight. I find EA has such a beautiful way of putting things that get to the core rather than plugging in random archetypes. It deeply resonates with me. when I read something from EA it’s so refined . I’m looking for this refinement.
I’m studying the forum thread about EA chart interpretation and I’m trying to use this formula in my own chart interpretation practice but I hit a road block in trinities and I feel like my interpretations may sound too “cookbook” :(
I tried to make my above interpretation sound as much EA as I could
Hi @dominikas_103 if I may comment, as you mentioned your north node being in Gemini 10th house, coming from an orientation of Sagittarius 4th house, I wonder if a part of your learning process is for you to continue putting what you intuitively know or understand into your own words. To work on formulating your own “verbal structures” as a means of giving words and descriptions to what intuitively comes to you when you reflect inwardly upon whatever it is you are learning.
And to also trust the process more, knowing that there will inevitably be some “mistakes” or gaps in your knowledge/understanding, but appreciating at the same time that it is through these gaps that your learning (journey) continues.
Would be curious to know where your Jupiter and Mercury (your nodal rulers) are by sign/house/aspect.
Hi Dominikas,
You are not bothering anyone. I made a suggestion because I think it would be helpful for you.
Since you mentioned your NN and your desire to be a great EA astrologer it further impells me to follow my intuition to suggest that you commit to formal training with solid guidance.
10th house is about discipline and long term growth. This would be a comittment to your own soul evolution; to decide that you will do this first and then do what it takes. If you'd like to talk further about this, feel free to reach out privately.
This teaching is popping in my head right now - Jeff Green once said something to the likes of whatever desires that are relevant to the soul's evolutionary needs, are bound to be fulfilled.
Regarding the elements - First, there's no need to think of these as one sign "moving from x to y" as you express it below . I don't recall JWG ever teaching them in this way. Each sign of an element shares one quality/facet of that larger elemental archetype. What's most important is to understand the basic nature of each of the signs and how they innately interrlate/ are connected to the larger picture.
From what you shared, I feel you understand this connection just fine. Of course there is a lot more that can be added, but as basic descriptors nothing you wrote is wrong except for one correction at the very end ...
I'm not sure if I follow your Gemini and Aquarius. Gemini isn't about evolution of the mind, it is about continually expanding our intelletural framework of how reality works. Aquarius is about liberation from conditioning, it is the soul's essential nature. What I'd say, focusing specifically on the social theme you are developing : Gemini is how we label and map our reality, also implies how we commnicate with and about life and with one another and our need to learn to adopt in order to be able to relate socailly, communicate, learn more etc.. Aquarius is the soul's individuality/ our vibration and how we naturally come into resonance/community with others based on soul-affinty.
I think you got the basic idea.
I respectfully ask we don't follow through with that. LittleAprilShower and I both intuitively felt to respond to Dominikas mentioning her NN, but intentionally inviting further discussion on a personal chart would not be appropriate here.
That’s so nice of you to write, thank you @LittleAprilShower :)
Resonates for sure. I’m in that very process right now, surrounding myself more with things and people that feel safe for me to do that.
I’m not very good w mistakes 🤣 Virgo rising hahaha
But I’m getting better! Getting closer to my Piscean surrender and trust in life.
My Jupiter is conjunct Uranus (10°,9°) in sag intercepted in 4th, about 19° away from my SN
I appreciate your comment. I appreciate this community.
Oh I just saw Ari’s comment.
I’ll look into the aspects of my chart by myself through your suggestion :) thank you!
I’m just in the middle of reading your comment Ari , thank you so much for your insight! I have to go but I’ll come back to finish soon
Having issues with AIR. From what I’ve researched air is intellect. Maybe I have the wrong definition of the word “mind”. In French it is translated “Espirit” which is different from just mental process. I see mind as mental process. Especially Gemini. Through observation .. an accumulation of input data .. linear thinking .
So as a trinity it would make sense with Gemini and Aquarius but Libra always bugs me as an air sign. The only way I can make it make sense is that we need social contact to recognize information through speaking (air energy going out yang in a cardinal way) to me that means a push to share information in order to recognize it which.. I can’t find the words for this but sharpens our minds further if that makes sense.
I think the trinities always start w the cardinal though right?
So it starts with social communication libra to begin to accumulate information and experience, then individuating our minds and making them ours (I wish I had a better word for mind), Aquarius, then Gemini the final linear refinement of data through observation communication curiosity and linear thinking (Mercury air yang mutable)
Sorry I still don’t have my own vocabulary in astro but it’s coming along
Hi Dominicas,
All Air is social in some sense. So we can think of Gemini as the communication/sharing/gathering of information and the exhcnage of that information which then continue to expand our linear/logical framework of reality etc. Aquarius as community/ groups of friends/social networds and more broadly the eco-system of life reflecting the projected intellgience of creation (or mind of God). See what I wrote above regarding Gemini and Aquarius.
Libra is social on the level of human relationship. We are not exchanging mere data or information as with Gemini, but we are listening. JWG taught that Libra/Venus is the psychology of listening whereas Gemini/Mercury is the physiology of hearing. So we are emplying our Air/social capacity for interaction and connection as a way to learn about one another; to hear what others needs, to understand their unique reality and to place ourwelves in relationship to that etc.
Hi Ari,
Thanks so much for your help in this. I went down a bit of a rabbit hole after reading your comment.
I’m going to try and write my new understanding with all this new knowledge.
From my understanding, the trinities are an evolution—in the textbook definition of the word—starting with the cardinal element.
Libra is energy going out, and with Venus as its ruler, this makes it inherently social. Air energy in Libra moves outward in relation to other people. Listening seems to be more of an internal process (energy going in or at least mutable), so would it be wrong to say that Libra initiates social interaction through conversation and exchange, making listening an essential tool for learning and refining perspectives? But the core process of Libra, as an air sign, seems to be interaction through dialogue and intellectual exchange.
Then Aquarius, from what you’ve said and what I’ve read, is more fixed. Adding Uranus to this, it holds onto intellect as a reflection of the soul’s individuality, naturally leading to rebellion against structures that don’t align. This seems to be where conditioned thought patterns begin to break apart, allowing for a more liberated way of seeing reality. Aquarius also creates groups to express this intelligence or shares it within communities of like-minded individuals.
Finally, Gemini, through conversation and observation, gathers information and processes it linearly. But because it’s mutable, is it about adapting this data to fit new contexts? Could Gemini’s mutable nature also be linked to the natural next evolutionary step—Cancer? Does this suggest that Gemini’s collection and dispersion of information sets the stage for emotional integration, allowing knowledge to resonate on a deeper level?
I see the definitions given on AIR, but they don’t click for me the way the others do, so I’m trying to find a deeper understanding of them in a way that makes sense to me.
Also would someone be able to provide me with the EA definition of mind and of evolution? I want to use it properly in the future and I noticed in my research I kept getting stuck in it.
i found this quote of JWG on the word evolution : The simplest way to know evolution: Is it not true that everybody on this planet, everyone in this room, inwardly always has an inner feeling of being in a continuous state of becoming?
Textbook def:
the gradual development of something, especially from a simple to a more complex form.
the element of a person that enables them to be aware of the world and their experiences, to think, and to feel; the faculty of consciousness and thought.
(There’s a big difference between the French and English definitions so it makes me question what it truly means)
Thanks so much for your help!
Not just dialogue and intellectual exchange and not just conversation and exchange. That alone could easily be Gemini from the POV of data collection.. Libra is the full expression of the 10,000 ways in which we interact and connect with one another. Libra/Venus also corresponds to our feelings and the psychology of listening. I.E. not just mere social exchange and conversation but the actual inner connection to the personal reality of another. This is why Libra has so much to do with how we give and learn to listen to and meet other people's needs and also share our personal reality with others so they can give us what we need etc.
Yes to your quesiton. My only correction is that gemini isn't observation. I understand what you mean, but to clarify, observation is Aquarius. Gemini classifies what the soul observes and gives it a name/ labels it. Observeration happens prior to the naming or interpretaion of what is being seen. So for example, an astronomer looks through a telescope at the night sky: there's an open mind with no condition or preconception for what will be seen. Just witnessing. Then something is noticed. Immedaitely the linear mercurial function kicks in an gives it description, seeks to clasify it and give it context within the larger scheme of the cosmos.
I'm wondering if you are trying to make all the air signs fit into an idea of what you think air might mean which might be throwing you off?
I'm not sure about mind - but JWG has defined evolution from a soul POV as the gradual exhaustion of all desires until the only remaining desire is the deisre to reunite with the source.
Thank you so much Ari!
The libra explanation is beautiful. The multitude of ways to exchange data and how (or process of) we connect with one another. Or just connection (w another).
Yes you are right! I am trying to find the root of air, and very probably it’s not the right one and it is throwing me off.
I need the core of each sign/element or idea,and then I can try to fuse them with some weird emotional intelligence I have. It goes from mental to emotional I think. But it won’t work unless I understand at a core level. The root. Air is way too airy haha. Can’t seem to catch it. Is it connection? Intelligence/data? Both? It sound like connection with/through intelligence
I’ll have to reprogram observation as Aquarius. Gemini made sense with the natural zodiac of evolution that JWG goes through in his dvds. More of a primal observation, house 1 and 2 being more primal.. then I picture man at house 3 looking around and acquiring data from around him and starting the process of labeling etc.. Maybe the diff between Aquarius and Gemini is intention? Quality of attention during observation?
Definition of observe (Im starting to see the diff):
notice or perceive (something) and register it as being significant.
watch (someone or something) carefully and attentively.
take note of or detect (something) in the course of a scientific study.
I’m going to reprogram the observation as Aquarius but I would like to understand why better. I think w time and keeping your words in mind it’ll happen.
Thank you for the definition of evolution. I thought that part was more of the process so this makes it very clear!
Mind is very difficult for me to understand as well. It seems the definition changes according to culture etc.
Hi Dominicas,
Again to clarify, Libar is not about exchanging data. That's exactly what Gemini is.
Onoe suggestion I have - since you are really making a sincere effort to undersatnd this as accurately as you can, is to read the 3rd house, 7th house and 11th house chapters in the Pluto book with your questions in mind. And then to see what answers you get from that. Even though those chapters are on Pluto, JWG of course delves deeply into each archetype from an evolutionary persepctive.
There is also an old thread on the old message board where many students all worked on a specific sign and house, and maybe more than that. Linda Johnson made that into a book. This might be a good resource for just getting more grounded into the basic meaning of the signs: https://schoolofevolutionaryastrology.com/natural-astrology/
Oh yes great idea! Thank you so much