Hello everyone,
I used to learn a lot from the pdf called EA Glossary 2016, but never read it all. Now i came back to it and noticed that the links included it the pdf which are linked to the old MB are not working anymore. Please suggest an easier way to find the specific topics i'm interested in. Thank you!
Hi Liana,
Not sure whey those links are not working anymore. One possible reasons is that the old message board has been updated many times since relative to when Linda created the PDF of it. Those updates have been for increasing security reasons that may have changed some of the 'coding' from that origjnal message board to what is there now.
In any case the simplist thing to do is to access the search engine and type is the subject of your interest: for example Mars square Pluto. You will have the option of checking between two boxes where one says results by 'messages' or 'subjecsts' only. The results in either case will bring up all the existing posts concerning your subject of inquiry. Withn those results there are typically other links that you can click on that further explore the subject at hand.
God Bless, Rad