Dear Rad,
I have known myself as a daemon soul type, but recently it has occurred to me that I have some Amazon dynamics inside myself as well. I try to differentiate between them but they blend in so much to me. Do you have any words to help me and others like me clarify this? Can you explain in simple terms how the two are different in an experiential kind of way?
Thank you so much 🙏
God Bless,
Just to give one example of where clarification is sought for, Amazons are fighters and so are daemons. What is the difference?
HI Stacie,
Here is a simple definition of a Daemon Soul. This comes from the old message board:,75.0.html
Daemon is actually a Latin word that the Christians, removing themselves from what Jesus actually taught, perverted into the word Demon. According to old Latin dictionaries the
word Daemon means 'Souls that are utterly unified with Nature and all of it's natural laws,
especially the world of animal and plants, and because of this total union with Nature the
become 'messengers of God'. This is why the Christians who became so far removed from the teachings of the original Jesus created cosmologies of Hell that were symbolized by all kinds of weird animals.
All natural Daemon Souls feel a fundamental alienation from most other humans. They are
'home' in nature and naturally aligned with all the 'devas' of nature that many call angles ,
fairies, and the like. Devas are Souls/ consciousness that are within nature, but veiled from
the eyes of most. They also inhabit the life force within various plants. The nervous systems
of plants and animals are almost identical to humans. Daemon Souls are naturally alone, and enjoy being alone in Nature. Another word that can relate to Daemon is Shaman.
Here is a simply yet succint defintion of a Amazon Soul:
Amazon is an archetype that correlates a women who is fiercely independent and whole unto herself. She inherently rebels against any type of constraint by any source including men.
Because of this she will fight to her death for her natural independence.
Here are some links that explain the factual basis of Amazon soul:,2%2C500-year-old%20accounts%20of%20the%20Amazons%2C%20previously%20considered%20mythical.
The differences between the two are self evident.
God Bless, Rad
Dear Rad,
Thank you so much for all that. It's the genesis my mind needed.
God Bless, Stacie