Deva Green has a new book The Moon and its Nodes in Evolutionary Astrology. She talks about why the moon is so important to our souls evolution and how this is foundational to the Pluto Paradigm. Evolutionary astrology is a specific methodology which sees the evolution of the soul as a process of growth which occurs as we progress from one lifetime to another. While it is a complex subject to consider, we can engage with this process by understanding more deeply the role of the Moon and its nodes, which have specific meaning in connection with the journey. They can help us to find a sense of security and provide a means of emotionally supporting ourselves through the natural tension that results as we make the transition from the past to future.
Deva is a Moderator on the forum and also a Founding Teacher on the JWG Association of EA team.
In The Moon and its Nodes in Evolutionary Astrology, author Deva Green uses a client case study and the charts of Amelia Earhart, Martin Luther King and Jane Goodall to help guide us on our way.
You can get the Book The Moon and its Nodes in Evolutionary Astrology on Amazon.
Feel free to post questions as it relates to the book or Evolutionary Astrology on the Forum
Am enjoying my copy -- purchased earlier this month from Walmart (not even knowing it was posted here). How's that for synchronicity?